"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Concept Mapping

The forest ecosystem concept map could be integrated in a number of ways to teach Grade 6 students about the importance of our forests. One way that this technology could be integrated would be to have the class break into groups of two at the end of the year and come up with a review on one of the topics such as, forest ecosystems covered in the science curriculum through the use of a concept map. The class could then combine their concept maps into a booklet and this could act as a guide for achievement exam studies. This technology could also be used in the writing process. If students were expected to come up with a report on a topic such as ecosystems, the teacher could require the students to use a concept map to formulate ideas before they start writing. As a teacher you could present them with the concept map and have them write out a review of the details of the individual thought bubbles.

The Inspiration Software would meet the following outcomes:
General Outcome C4: Students will use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry. In particular, students will be able to organize information using a variety of tools (2.2).
General Outcome C5: Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry. Specifically 2.2 require students to record group brainstorming, planning, and sharing of ideas through technology.
General Outcome C6: Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems. In this section specific outcome 2.3 has students use graphic organizers, such as mind mapping/webbing, flow charting and outlining, to present connections between ideas and information in a problem-solving environment.


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