An Ecosystem Presentation
This lesson requires Biology 20 students to design a presentation on biospheres. The presentation will fulfill the general outcome by requiring students to explain a biospheres composition (ecosystem, biotic). Specifically students will define species, population, community and ecosystem and explain the interrelationships among them (20-B1.1k), identify biotic and abiotic characteristics and explain their influence (20-B1.3k), and explain the impact of human activity on the ecosystem (20-B1.1sts). There are more outcomes from the Biology curriculum that could be incorporated. First have groups of students choose an ecosystem they want to research. Explain to students what they need to cover and how they should present it. The ICT general outcome C1 is also incorporated by requiring students to communicate information using a number of technologies such as a PowerPoint, blog, webpage, etcetera in their presentation. In particular students will have to achieve ICT 1.1 and 4.1 which necessitate that students retrieve appropriate information for a specific inquiry using electronic sources and that they execute a complex search respectively. Many other outcomes are fulfilled as well such as specific outcome C1: 2.2, 3.5, 3.6, and C7: 1.2. Many more outcomes can be fulfilled or touched on by requiring students to include images (general outcome P3) or to hyperlink to a source (General outcome P5). The possibilities are endless.
The Alberta, Naturally Webpage and Ecosystems – Environment Canada Webpage can be emphasized and a brief search on one of them can be demonstrated using the Proxima. Students will gain an understanding of biospheres through the study of a particular ecosystem. They will search for animals, abiotic and biotic matter in that ecosystem, and humans impact on that ecosystem using the Internet and academic sources. Diagrams, charts and statistics from these sources can be used as a visual aid. The presentation will be given using technology to showcase their findings. Students will be able to take pride in their work and creativity and share this with fellow classmates.
The use of technology in his activity forces students to be active learners. Technology assists them in finding information and in presenting it in a unique and interactive manner. It can inspire creativity and provide structure. As a presentation tool it is a beautiful visual aid. It connects the entire class to the material and helps them connect to it. Technology makes the material come to life and provides meaning.
Alberta, Naturally (2005)
Retrieved October 1, 2007, from online:
Ecosystems – Environment Canada (2007)
Retrieved October 1, 2007, from online:
Education. (2007). Biology 20 – 30. Page 28
Retrieved October 1, 2007, from online:
Education. (2007). ICT Program of Studies.
Retrieved October 1, 2007, from online:
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